Elect Lady Prophetess Lucretia Dewey Scott

For by the grace of God, in the year 2006, I was sent by the Lord to support the late Pastor Dr. Willie Dewey by offering my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God  I was sent to this cherished, set apart body of believers to be the founder of an Intercessory Prayer Team and to create an atmosphere of worship through exhortations. 
     Obedience is always better than sacrifice and through my obedience to God, He has rewarded me with one of His finest jewels in the person of Pastor Dr. Tyrone Scott.  In addition to Intercessory Prayer and exaltation, I am called to serve the vision of my husband, friend, and Pastor.  God truly has given us a Pastor after His own heart who will lead us with knowledge and understanding.  
     Somebody prayed for us!  Greater Good Hope Baptist Church is extraordinarily blessed.  We are literally standing victoriously on the prayers and  sacrifices of our fathers and mothers who are currently leaning over the balcony of Heaven, cheering us on as we run our race.  Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.  

Sincere Sister in Christ,

Lucretia Dewey Scott  




Minister Blaine Robertson